Tynderö canal

Canalized sound between the mainland and the old islands Åkerön and Åstön, east of Sundsvall and Alnön.

Short history:
The sound between the mainland and Åstön has been an important fairway since long ago and was frequently used by ships sailing between Sundsvall and Härnösand. In the 17th century regular traffic started between Njurunda and Härnösand.
This sound also had a great militrary importance. Both for the Swedish navy and for the attacking Russian fleets. After the Russians had burnt down Sundsvall in 1721 they sailed away this way.
Landelevation made the sound more shallow and in 1889 the government granted money for improvements that were finish in 1893. The total cost for this was 40 350 SEK. The canal was also improved 1897 to 1898. The depth was now 12 feet and the finished canal was opened by the king.
By the run of the century 1900 there was regular steamer traffic through the canal, mainly for transporting tourists.
By the end of the 1930ies a bridge was built by the northern entrance to the canal. In 1948 another bridge was built over the canal.

Tynderö canal is frequently used by pleasure boats.

© All pictures by Anders Arnholm 2001

ource: Yngve Rollof's Sveriges Inre Vattenvägar, part 2 1978.
Do send comments or further information to Bosse Arnholm!


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