Kengis canal

Canal by the Kengis stream in Torne River.

There was a ironmill by the stream at Kengis. To easier get the ore from the mines the owner of the mill started to dig a canal from the top of the stream, all along pass the stream. By 1774 they had dug 300 meters and three years later the canal was complete and passed the stream, thus being useful for other transports as well. The width was between 3,5 and 7 meters.
Considering the difference in level there must have been some kind of locks here, but there are no records or description of that.

The ore to Kengis came from mines upstreams Torne River. 1642 a ironore was found by Junosuando village and in 1646 copperore was found at Svappavara. To get the ore from these fields much work had to be done in Torne River and not until 1657 the first ore got there. At some places, canals were built by the streams, such as Tornefors and Palokorva.

Kengis mill was founded in 1646 by Arendt Grape to refine the ore from the mines in Norrland. It was the first mill in the area, and the main building is still the northenmost mansion in Sweden.


Sources: Yngve Rollof, Sveriges Inre Vattenvägar, part 2 1978, där han citerar det Gunnar Hoppe skrivit i Vägarna inom Norrbottens län.
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