The Canal or The Bridge Canal

Canal between Hari Fjord and Finnhare Fjord.

Norrsundets Motoryacht Club has had a weekend harbour at the Finnharen island since 1934. The first four years the club leased the island and in 1938 they were able to buy the island as well as a piece of land on the mainland.
The route to this harbour was often exposed to difficult seas and in the 1950ies sponsoring from the municipality and from Kopparfors AB made it possible to create a sheltered route. At this time a canal was built between Finnharen and the mainland.. The canal is for smaller boats and is mainly used by owners of cottages in the vicinity.
During the 1970ies an iron bridge was built over the canal.
In 2001 it was widened and the maximum speed is 5 knots.

Sources: Norrsundets Motorbåtsklubbs website and phone call to the chairman Thomas Malmström, February 2007.
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