Luikonlahti floating canal
Luikonlahden uittokanava

This canal for tiomber floating is located in Kaavi municipality in Northern Savolax.
It is about 1,3 kilometer long and conntects lake Retunen to lake Rikkavesi. It has been part of the vast timber flotaing fairways in the Saima watersystem. The boyed fairway for tugs and passengerboats reached lake Rikkavesi were timber was bundled for further transport.
Flotaing ceased through this canal several decades ago.
The marked fairway on lake Rikkavesi is toway used by pleasureboats, but it is not possible for them go pass through the canal. The difference in waterlevel between the lakes is 0,5 meter.

If you have further information about this canal, do mail us about it.

Tarmo Hurskainen © 2007

Do send comments or further information to Bosse Arnholm


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